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Below is a list of businesses we have worked with. There is no company too large or too small. 

We have found unique solutions that fit every business just right.

Check out our featured profiles below!



“At Resource Brokerage our firm literally works with hundreds of brokers nationwide. Janice is one of our more "client focused" brokers with a high degree of attention to detail. Janice is one that focuses on getting all the facts up front and asking all the right questions in order to be assured she is making the correct recommendations to her clients up front. 

Blair Farwell, CEO Resource Brokerage 

“Janice has been an outstanding addition to our advisors at the Women's Business Development Center. She has been our insurance broker since our inception in 1986. As our organization has grown, she has helped us with the many challenges we have faced.”
Hedy Ratner, Co-Founder Women's Business Development Center
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